Cupboard hidden danger of formaldehyde you should know and Olansi air purifier recommend for remove Formaldehyde

Today’s cupboards have unique technologies in terms of style, craftsmanship, life span, and color, which have attracted the attention of many consumers. However, we often see related reports: excessive formaldehyde emission has become the main reason for the overall cabinet product failure. So why do cabinets cause indoor pollution? First, Plate pollution Currently, the cupboards sold in the market are mainly plate-type cabinets. The main materials required for making plate-type cupboards are density plates and particle board. We can collectively refer to these types of plates as artificial plates. Artificial board is made of natural wood and the corner wastes in its processing. After being pressed and bonded, the board is made of formaldehyde. Therefore, formaldehyde is easily contained in the artificial board due to the formaldehyde contained in the adhesive. Cupboards made of artificial boards may cause pollution to the indoor. Second, Countertop pollution ...